The “villini” in the rebuilt Ponte di Legno

Within the Conference “War and Reconstruction. Ponte di Legno one hundred years from its rebirth (1921-2021), the in-depth research on the urban, landscape and architectural role played by the small villas built between the two world wars was presented. It was the time of tourism highest development in this location, chosen as a favorite vacation spot by many families belonging to the Lombard bourgeoisie and, in some cases, to the nobility. The comprehensive investigation has cross-referenced the archive data, the historical photos, the direct observation, in order to survey the numerous examples of this peculiar buildings, to recognize their typological features and the models taken by mountain architecture (the Chalet, in particular), the construction features. The research, in addition to having shed light on an extremely rich and composite phenomenon, allows us to reflect on the active management and protection of these artefacts, which still strongly characterize Ponte di Legno landscape today.